Lost pets
If you are here because you have lost a pet, please do not despair, many pets go missing and are reunited quickly.
Remember you can call us any time and we will be happy to offer any assistance and advice we can.
Step 1
Call your microchip provider and ensure your details are up to date and flag your pet as missing.
If your animal is not microchipped, once reunited please call your vet to book an appointment as soon as possible. This will help your pet get reunited with you quickly if they go missing again.
Step 2
Visit www.animalsearchuk.co.uk to advertise your pet as missing and see if anyone has listed them as found. We use Animal Search UK to register stray animals that are brought into us. The service is free to use.
Derby City Dog Warden
Tel: 0333 200 6981

Step 3 (Dogs)
The local Dog Warden has responsibility for stray dogs. We are legally required to hand over to the Dog Warden any stray dog which is brought into our Centre. Please contact them if you find a stray dog.
If you have lost your dog, please contact the local Dog Warden as soon as possible. For Derby City the number is 0333 200 6981. For contact details of Dog Wardens in other areas, please search online for "Dog warden" + the area your dog went missing from.
Step 4
Contact your local Vets and rescue centres to see if they have had your pet handed in or if they can take a lost report for you. Don’t forget to send us a photo of your pet so we can also keep our eyes and ears open for you. You can do this via email [email protected] or via our Facebook page.

Step 5
Ask around your neighbourhood, it is not uncommon for cats in particular to let themselves into someone else’s property or get trapped in sheds and garages.
Put up posters in your surrounding area and ask if you can display them in shops, libraries and on notice boards.
Step 6
There are many lost and found pages online and on Facebook. Register with as many sites, and join as many Facebook pages/groups as you can, sharing a photo and information about where your pet was last seen.
Don’t give up hope!
Make a donation
We are a self-funded charity, so we rely solely on the generosity of our supporters to raise the £10,000+ per week it costs to run our centre and help local animals in need.
Many animals get lost or are stolen every year so microchipping is the answer to ensuring your lost pet can find its way back home.